Kompatibilitet med bil

Is this the right seat for my car?

Innan du köper bilbarnstolen, kontrollera alltid om den kan installeras korrekt i ditt fordon. OBS! För regionala varianter av din fordonstyp och modell rekommenderar vi alltid att du gör en testinstallation hos en kvalificerad återförsäljare för att bekräfta individuell kompatibilitet. Följ alltid fordonstillverkarens rekommendationer angående installation av bilbarnstolar.

Installation with vehicle belt

The infant carrier can be used on all vehicle seats with three-point automatic belt.

Installation with Base

Look for the i-Size logo in your vehicle.
If a vehicle seat is marked with this logo, it is suitable for use with all i-Size child car seats and therefore does not feature in our list of compatible vehicles.
If your vehicle does not have an i-Size seat, please check the list to find out whether your vehicle is compatible. If your vehicle is not listed, please contact our Customer Service team.

1. Välj biltillverkare

2. Select model and year